Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday, January 31

Our focus today was on irony. Irony is when you expect one thing, but the reality turns out to be the opposite. We watched a couple film clips that served as good examples of irony.

We then read a short story entitled "The Necklace." The story has a surprise ending that is an example of irony.

Following this, students took an open book quiz on the short story.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Friday, January 28

Students worked on point of view today. They wrote short stories that were five paragraphs in length, with each paragraph written from a different point of view. In doing this, students demonstrated their comprehension of point of view.

We also did a worksheet on grammar. This worksheet focused on the sentence parts (subject, verb, direct object, indirect object, etc.)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Thursday, January 27

Today, students did group work on the story "My Delicate Heart Condition." In groups, students read the story and answered a series of questions concerning the plot, characters, and point of view.

Following that, they conducted literature response groups, where each student wrote a paragraph response to the story and the other students took turns responding.

Block Four: Activities were the same as above, but students also continued work on Mrs. Morris's writing activity.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wednesday, January 26

Blocks One and Three: Students started class by doing a Daily Log. The Daily Log (attached) included activities in grammar, vocabulary, and paragraph writing.

Following this, I presented a PowerPoint about point of view. Students learned the different points of view that stories are written in. Following this, students took a short quiz that demonstrated their understanding of point of view.

Finally, students completed a worksheet on dictionary skills. They had to look up a variety of information in the dictionary.

Block Four: I presented a PowerPoint about point of view. Students learned the different points of view that stories are written in. Following this, students took a short quiz that demonstrated their understanding of point of view.

Following this, Mrs. Morris conducted a writing activity with the class.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tuesday, January 25

We started class with some grammar work. Students completed the second side of the grammar worksheet we started yesterday.

We continued focusing on "character" in literature. We read the story "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", about an everyday man whose mundane life causes him to frequently daydream about more exciting things. For example, he daydreams that he is a world famous surgeon or an airplane pilot during WWII.

We watched a film clip from the movie version of this story. It was really funny. We then discussed the differences and similarities between the two, and speculated why there were differences.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday, January 24

We started the class out by working on some Daily Grammar. In this activity, students are given a sentence, such as "their team will practice after school". They then must demonstrate their ability in a series of ways, such as identifying sentence parts, identifying clauses and sentence type, and diagramming the sentence.

Following this, I discussed character with the students. We defined many literary words related to character (such as static, dynamic, protagonist, antagonist, etc). We watched several film clips and read some story excerpts and talked about the characters in them, using the vocabulary we learned today.

Finally, students wrote thesis statements about the characters in the clips and wrote a paragraph about them.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday, January 21

1st Block: We discussed what puns are and took a look at the website I then shifted the focus to symbolism. Students defined symbolism and we talked about how symbols are used in short stories. This transitions into the story "La Puerta", a short story about a man living in Mexico who has big dreams of moving to the US to earn more money. Finally, students finished with a writing activity where they demonstrated their knowledge of the five stages of plot.

3rd Block: Since we read the short story "La Puerta" yesterday, students completed the writing activity about the five stages of plot. Students in this block also went to the computer lab for the GRASPS test.

4th Block: We discussed what puns are and took a look at the website I then shifted the focus to symbolism. Students defined symbolism and we talked about how symbols are used in short stories. This transitions into the story "La Puerta", a short story about a man living in Mexico who has big dreams of moving to the US to earn more money. Finally, students finished with a writing activity conducted by Mrs. Morris.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday, January 20

It was a pretty hectic day today, due to the sudden mandate that I take my 1st and 4th block classes to the computer lab for a standardized test.

1st and 4th Blocks: I was required to take my classes to the computer lab, so that the students may take a GRASPS test. The GRASPS test is a type of standardized test that checks the student's abilities in reading and math. This test took about 40-45 minutes, so it ate up a big chunk of class.

With the rest of the time, the 1st block students worked on a grammar worksheet, where they identified the parts of speech in a series of sentences. The 4th block class finished Mrs. Morris's writing activity from yesterday, and they also worked on a diagnostic reading activity.

3rd Block: We began class to working on a grammar worksheet, where students identified the parts of speech in a series of sentences. After that, we read the short story "La Puerta" and examined the plot of the story. Students completed a worksheet on the plot, where they had to identify the different stages of the story's plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution).

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wednesday, January 19

We completed a bell activity that used the book. The bell activity was all about plot. Students had to look up the definition of plot and answer some questions.

I then presented a PowerPoint on plot, and students took notes. Following the PowerPoint, students demonstrated their understanding through an open note quiz.

We also worked on writing. We discussed the different types of writing prompts-- expository, narrative, and persuasive--and discussed the ways that students can identify and answer each prompt type.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18

We discussed variation in the English language. The English language changes, depending on the time and the place. For example, modern day American English sounds much different from British English spoken in the early 1900's (or even modern British English, actually).

We looked at some international versions of Harry Potter books and discussed why the publisher might feel they need to change the cover for different countries.

Finally, we went to the computer lab so that students could research British English and determine what different British words mean in American English. Some examples of British English words would be rubbish, peckish, or queue.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thursday, January 13

Today in class, the students finished introducing themselves to the class. We've been using PowerPoints presentations to do this. Each student made a PowerPoint where they spoke about their hobbies, goals, cultural background, and family.

After that, the students worked on writing. My 1st and 3rd block classes wrote on a topic: "Think about a career that you wouldn't consider choosing. Write to explain about a career that seems undesirable to you." Students had about 45 minutes to write on the prompt and then I took it up. I will look at this assignment as a way of diagnosing student writing abilities and seeing what they need to work on.

My 4th block class had already written on this topic, so we presented a short mini-lesson on writing prompts and how to answer writing prompts.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 12

We started class with a Daily English Log. This is a bell activity that students will do in order to develop a wide variety of skills. It contains activities on grammar, journal writing, and vocabulary.

Following this, students presented their PowerPoints to the class. They were graded according to the rubric I passed out yesterday.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 11

Today, classes went to the computer lab to work on their PowerPoint presentations. Each student has to design a presentation to introduce themselves to the class.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011

I started class out by introducing an upcoming project. This Monday, all students will visit the computer lab. At the computer lab, each student will design a PowerPoint presentation introducing themselves. We will present these presentations to the class on Tuesday.

I discussed my expectations for the assignment and showed the students a sample PowerPoint about me.

After that, students had a choice between two activities:
1) Reviewing the diagnostic exam from yesterday
2) A writing activity. This writing activity was meant to diagnose students' writing abilities.

It's been a great first week and I look forward to seeing all the presentations next week!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thursday, January 6

Today in class, we learned about "learning styles." People learn in different ways, and, as a teacher, it is helpful for me to learn the learning styles of the students. For this reason, the students took a "learning styles inventory" today, where they could learn what type of learning they are (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, musical, etc.).

We also took a benchmark exam. By looking at this benchmark exam, I can see what students know from the very beginning of the year. That way, I can really focus on teaching the needed skills. If students showed strong abilities in one area or another, I wouldn't need to focus on those areas so much.

It was another great class day with my wonderful students!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2010- First Day Back!

Today's the first day of school! It's exciting to be back. It's going to be a great semester.

In my 9th grade English classes, I handed out a copy of my class syllabus. Students will take this home, get it signed, and return it for a 100 tomorrow.

We played a round of "Get to Know You Bingo", where students introduced themselves to other students and learned about each other. This "Bingo" worksheet was turned in at the class's end for a grade.

Tomorrow, students will take a benchmark test in my class. This test is designed to see what skills students have. This way, I can modify my teaching to teach them the skills they need. I'll test them several times this way throughout the semester. It's nothing to be stressed about!