Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27

We've got our End of Course Test coming up! The End of Course Test will be May 9-10. So it's about two weeks away. Remember, this is worth 15% of your final grade.

In order to prepare for the EOCT, we went to the computer lab and used the website

This is a fantastic website to which the school subscribes. Students can create their own login and take practice tests for the EOCT. The practice tests are not just in English, but in other subjects, too. There are also educational games that students can play.

If you were absent today, I would like you to go to the website above, create your account, and take a practice test. Actually, here are the exact directions I gave the class:

1. Go to the website
2. In the upper right corner, click on the link for “Member Login”
3. Create a new account. Make your name something recognizable, something that uses a unique combination of your first and last name. I cannot tell you what the school ID or Activation Code are, on this blog, but email me and I will tell you these codes.
4. Login to your new account. On your main page, under “Student Resources”, click on “Take a Benchmark Test.”
5. When it asks for a “Benchmark Test Code”, enter “SAHOLOCOFA”. Choose your block and begin the exam. It’s 40 questions long.
6. After you finish the exam, click on “Grade my Test Now” to see your results.
7. Use the rest of your time to explore the website. It has games to help you learn. It has study materials and exercises for English and for other courses.

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